The Streaky Bay Area School is situated on the pristine coastline of Western Eyre Peninsula. The community’s main industries include agriculture, fishing/aquaculture, tourism/hospitality and other service industries.
The school’s values are care, respect, security, success and trust. Values education is a focus, providing themes which are incorporated into the R – 12 Pastoral Care program.
Over the past ten years, the school has been involved in further developing teachers’ pedagogical approaches through involvement in projects such as: Thinking skills, Learning to Learn, Success for Boys and the ICT Research Project – 21st Century Learning for Contemporary Classrooms. Currently the school is a John Fleming Lighthouse School and has introduced warm-ups and Explicit Teaching approaches into classrooms.
Spanish is the second language that is taught from Reception to Year 8.
Streaky Bay Area School has a stormwater recycling wetland and small vineyard, providing students with learning opportunities in horticulture and water conservation/science.
The school prides itself on supporting students with their chosen pathways in senior secondary school. We recently had a $1.5 million upgrade of the Home Economics and Technical Studies areas into Trade Training Centres that offer Certificate II competencies in Food and Hospitality, and Building and Construction. We offer a range of subjects including university pathways, Vocational Education and Training options, school-based apprenticeships and traineeships, and distance education subjects.